Funksjonell, lekker og nyskapende informasjonsgrafikk kan sprite opp det tørreste tallmateriale - noe Information is Beautiful-prisen viser til gangs.
I klassen for datajournalistikk stakk Stamen Design LLC av med seieren for CNN Home and Away - en ekstremt omfattende presentasjon av døde soldater i Afghanistan og Irak.
Kilde: NRK
31. oktober 2012
25. oktober 2012
From photography to web-documentaries
Nowhere Safe is Samuel Bollendorff's latest web-documentary. It tells, in 16 portraits, the stories of 3.6m men and women in France who are living in precarious conditions due to poor housing [watch the web-documentary here].
The Frenchman has made his name producing web documentaries that often mash up still images with audio, video and text, and in 2008 one of his multimedia pieces was the first to feature on Le Monde’s website. It had a profound effect on his peers but, he says, it wasn’t new for him. “I’ve always tried to integrate text into my images. My parents are psychoanalysts so the act of speaking is important. My job is to transmit words and ideas.”
Samuel Bollendorff's Nowhere Safe - British Journal of Photography
The Frenchman has made his name producing web documentaries that often mash up still images with audio, video and text, and in 2008 one of his multimedia pieces was the first to feature on Le Monde’s website. It had a profound effect on his peers but, he says, it wasn’t new for him. “I’ve always tried to integrate text into my images. My parents are psychoanalysts so the act of speaking is important. My job is to transmit words and ideas.”
Samuel Bollendorff's Nowhere Safe - British Journal of Photography
17. oktober 2012
Distrify is a powerful suite of digital tools that turn the entire internet into a movie marketplace. Consumer behaviour and demand around the world are changing rapidly and Distrify provides a solution for the film industry to adapt to current trends. Attention-spans are shorter, people are avidly sharing things they like, people often won't wait until your official release in their country to watch your film. They want your film now. In the new film marketplace you need to make your film available to purchase immediately when the audience sees the trailer. The only way to do that is with Distrify
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